Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award!!! Who ME?


This is my first Stylish Blogger Award!!

Now for the fun part.....

Look at this! I received the Stylish blogger Award from:

Allegro Mama

Rules for this award:

1.Thank and link back to the person that has given you this award- Thanks, Allegro Mama!

2. Share 7 thing's about yourself
  • I love Crafting
  • I love food...too much I need to lose 60lbs!
  • I find being a parent a challenge most days but LOVE him with all my heart!
  • I have 6 dogs 5 cats and 2 ferrets plus 4 fish. UGGGGG my heart is bigger than my home!
  • I enjoy baking but need to get better. I really need a mess cleaner upper and I would do it more.
  • I love Wyoming but wish I could keep my job and family but live somewhere else.
  • I dream to own a Victorian House

3. Award 10-15 blogs you feel deserve the award :

  My Repurposed Life  Along For the Ride
   Site Button 200

  Truly Lovely 

I check all these ladies out at least once a week I hope you do too!!

4. Contact these bloggers and let them know about the award  ~ DONE!

There you have it! 12 Winners!


  1. Nikki! thanks so much for thinking of me. Because I spend many hours a day working on projects, tutes and my blog, I am an award free blog. I just don't have the time to pass it along.
    However, I will share 7 things about me, and tweet this post.
    1)I LOVE Spring!
    2)My daily wardrobe consists of shorts, tank top and flip flops!
    3)I love to build and saw, but I do not like to paint.
    4) My house generally looks a mess due to my crafting.
    5) My car is nearly 7 years old, but I still park far out in the parking lot.
    6) I eat too much chocolate
    7) My favorite saying is...everything happens for a reason.

    There ya go. You now know more about me than some of my best friends!
    thanks again Nikki!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing your award with me!

  3. Hey lady!!! Thanks so much for sharing this award with us!! :) We've added your button and a link back to here on our awards page! :)

  4. Thanks so much for the award, Nikki! Unfortunately, at the moment, I am so far behind it's ridiculous. Next week I will do my best to accept it on my blog.

    You are a doll!


  5. I am so late, but I finally accepted your sweet aaward. Thank you again... You're a doll!

